Saturday, June 28, 2008

spring hollow

Earlier this month we went camping up Logan canyon, first time of the season. As always, we had a great time, even through the rain. The following video is a great sum up of our little outdoor excursion. 

rock on tomato famine!

I'd like to talk about a "problem" that's been sweeping the nation, well actually it's only been sweeping about 16 states. Yep, I'm talking about the big tomato salmonella scandal of 2008. First of all, this is the best thing EVER! I mean it. No more, "Does that come with tomatoes?" or "Can you please hold the tomatoes on that?" And no more picking tomatoes off when I've foolishly forgotten to specify an entree without them. Basically, my life has gotten a lot easier since this little "outbreak". Unfortunately it can't last forever. Now I'm sure many of you are thinking "How can you not like tomatoes? You obviously haven't had a really good delicious one fresh from the garden." Let me tell you, I don't like tomatoes, but it's not for lack of trying. Every summer I eat a fresh-from-the-garden tomato... and end up spitting it out. I just can't. And it's alright. (I know you're with me Zac and Brian.) I've just accepted that it is something that I'll never like. Ever. And for those of you gasping and slightly shaking your heads right now, let it go. Not everybody likes them and I don't feel I'm missing out on anything. So hopefully that salmonella won't give up easily. In years from now I'll think back, with longing and fondness, to the tomato famine of 2008.

Friday, June 20, 2008

1st day of summer!

Happy 1st Day of Summer!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

going south & finding culture

Curtis and I gave Craig and Carol tickets to see Les Miserables at Tuacahn so thursday morning the four of us headed down south to St. George. The weather was absolutely beautiful! Myself, not being a huge fan of St. George and the heat, was thinking it was going to be too hot, but it sure wasn't. None of us had ever been to Tuacahn before and we all loved it! I'm pretty sure this could become a yearly tradition. I saw Les Miserables for the first time last year at the Pioneer Theater in Salt Lake and I fell in love. It's amazing! The music and story and characters all have so much depth. My top three favorite characters are  
Jean Valjean, Javert, and Fantine. But the Thenardier's are absolutely hilarious! I think
everybody loves them, at least a little. I think being settled in the beautiful red cliffs of southern Utah made the production even better. And because there wasn't the restrictions of being indoors they were able to have live animals (the little piggy was Carol's favorite), fireworks, and use the surrounding landscape. What is it about going to plays that just give you the chills and make you feel all cultured? Is it just me? Everytime I see a play there is always a part of me that wishes I was... talented. I wish I could get on stage and really belt it out and, instead of people getting up and leaving because I sound so bad, they would stand and applaud. Welp, nothing I can do about that. I was not, I reapeat, was not granted a beautiful singing voice. I would even settle for a nice singing voice, but as it is I stick to lip synching and singing in the shower. (everyone sounds good in there). So in conclusion, my recommendation is to go to Tuacahn if at all possible. You certainly won't regret it. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

getaway today

We all have our little "getaways" or "happy places" we like to retreat to when life isn't exactly what we want or even if we've just had a less than desirable day. And although there isn't much a pint of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food can't fix, sometimes you need something a little stronger. For me, that "something stronger" is Seinfeld. There is nothing this delightfully funny show about nothing can't fix. Seinfeld will always make the skies seem a little blue-er and the grasses a little greener. And no matter what is going on in my life it will never be as pathetic and humiliating as that of George Costanza. 

A tribute to Elaine...

Everyone's favorite idiot, George.

Everybody needs a little Kramer.

And of course, Jerry.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

favorite place...ever

Disneyland is my favorite place to be! The magic of Disneyland knows no boundaries. And I'm excited to announce that Curtis & I are taking a little trip to the Happiest Place On Earth in October! It's our belated anniversary getaway. So last night, as I was watching some video from our December '07 trip, I decided I needed to make a little movie. The kind of movie that gives you the Disney tinglies. And I'm not one to brag, but I think this movie does just that, so enjoy the magic!