Saturday, December 20, 2008

gift wrapping 101

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, December 19, 2008

christmas memories

Christmas is the time of year for so many things; among those is childhood memories. Every family has traditions that are special, but most of the traditions tend to be inside jokes, so if you're not in the family, you don't really get it. Well this post is just that sort of thing. A Garfield Christmas was on our yearly repertoire of holiday movies and we would laugh and laugh and laugh at this part, something about their lips is just fantastic. So, Zac, this one's for you. Happy Holiday Memories!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

happy birthday mom!

Today is my mom's birthday and what better way to celebrate a birthday than by having a party. So I invited her closest friends to gather and celebrate her life. When I sent out the invites I asked everyone to list five things they loved about her so the night went as follows: laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh, hug. Of course I think my mom was wonderful and amazing in every way, but it's so nice to know that other people felt the same way about her. As we sat around eating one her favorite little dishes and listening to some of the funniest stories about her, I felt so lucky to have been blessed with such an incredible mother. Family, loved ones, good friends, old friends, meaningful experiences-these are all that really matter in life. Is there anything better than having someone that positively affects your life and makes you a better person? I think not. So with that, I'd like to say thanks to Marilee, Joy, Marilyn, Karen, other Joy (even if it was just in spirit) and Carrie for making mom's birthday party one to remember.