As promised, garland mecca! I enjoy garlands, but something has happened this year. I have been completely taken over by them. I cannot get enough. I'm not sure what's causing this, but I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. I think the only reason I've slowed down in making them is because I've run out of places to hang them. I'm guessing that I'll be able to eek out a couple more before christmas. Fingers crossed. Well, let the garland mecca begin!
Festive strips of paper sewn together. Easy peezy.

This one looks more complicated than it it. It's just different sizes of triangles strung onto yarn. I strung them snuggly to make the paper bend causing this fun effect.

This is a fun one! I cut up strips of fabric and sewed them together. Simple as that. I then draped them across our bookcase.
This little beauty made an appearance in the last post, but I love it so much I had to post it again.

This was one of those projects that accidently turned into something else. When I started, I had this idea in my head that apparently wasn't very good because it was quickly scrapped and this door hanger was born.

More snowflake garland. This also showcases a garland made from sticker labels colored different shades of blue. It's a good thing I hung up some snowflakes because, as you can see, there's no snow outside.
Another snow flurry garland. The red garland is made from sewing folds on crepe paper. Yep, you can sew crepe paper.

Another sewn crepe paper garland, but no folds this time. I layered three strands of crepe paper together, sewed them, then made cuts along the sides.
More snowflakes. Like I said, no such thing as too many.
This garland isn't really a christmas one, but I decided I'd show it anyway. I thought it perfect for the kitchen since it's made from mini cupcake liners.
This one probably took me the longest to make. It was easy, just time consuming. I cut strips of fabric and tied them onto jute. It was worth the time it took to make it, I love how it turned out.
I had an idea of putting a garland in our basement, but I wanted to string it across the entire ceiling so I would need a lot of garland. I knew it would have to be easy, quick to make, and cheap. Then it came to me. What's cheaper than newspaper? And it was also quick and easy. I cut strips of newspaper then strung them on some black string in a ribbon candy fashion. Who knew newspaper could look so good. I love it.
Well that concludes this episode of garland mecca! I can't promise there won't be more garland-ing though......