Thursday, January 15, 2009

mocktail party

We had a Mocktail Party on New Year's Eve and let me tell you, it was one wild night! We had a fantastic night of eating, "drinking", Wii bowling, singing, and dancing. Yep, singing AND dancing. 

*DISCLAIMER*: The following is not for the weak, it's actually quite shocking. Consider yourself warned.


ali.j said...

I hereby nominate Curt and Megan for the next episode of American Dance-off! (or, Rockin' with Abba, whichever comes first.) It was definitely the best new year's party ever!

Phat Bri said...

Hey, Curt... who sings that?

(whatever your answer, keep in that way)

Randi Jo said...

Boy I am glad I started to look at other peoples blogs. Sounds like things are going well. Good to hear.

Ashlee said...

Awesome, looks like tons of fun! Hey call me when you have a minute and no I will not quit stalking you!! Hee hee, we do need to come to the dr office soon!