Friday, August 14, 2009

happy 30th curt!

Happy Birthday to my Curtis! The 30th! Quite a milestone. As you can see below, Curt is showing off his very cool and creative gift from our favorite Seattle-ites. Thanks guys, you're great! I wish you could've been here to see Curt's face when he pulled the bottles out of the box and realized his picture was on it. There are plenty more birthday festivities coming this weekend so I'll keep you all posted to see how everyone's favorite guy is celebrating the big three zero.

Curt also posted a little tidbit of birthday wisdom on his blog. Check it out here:


Curt said...

Everything that she said was true! Thanks to all that have made this milestone the best ever!

Unknown said...

Happy 3-0 Curtis! Getting old isn't all sad ya know? It does have its advantages. For example, the older you get the better your stories get of how good you once were!

ali.j said...

I don't know why Jones Soda hasn't contact you about using Curt's mug as a permanent addition to their line of curious lables. What a great photo! (and kudos to Maggie too!)

JBA said...

You guys are famous! Way to go! Did you just recently buy the jones bottle? Or has it been out for a little bit? I'll have to look for it in the store.

Q said...

Happy Birthday Curt. Megan I like the lilacs in May. Cam