Wednesday, October 21, 2009

alison's trees & leaves

My dear friend Alison has quite a talent for dabbling in tree and leaf photography. I stand by my firm belief that she has a successful career on her hands. I was lucky enough to obtain some her most recent work. These are from her fall collection.


ali.j said...

Well, I don't know who this Alison person is, but I must agree that those are some impressive trees! Although, I'm sure if Alison were here she'd say that the leaves do all the work and she just snaps the photo. What great fall wallpaper they would make!

Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures! Hey Alison, what kind of camera did you use? Thanks for posting these great pics.
-- J.Y.

Q said...

Beautiful pictures! I especially love the fall colors, my favorite season.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow, I LOVE those Photos, They ROCK!!