Tuesday, January 15, 2008

man's best friend

These are the three adorable faces that greeted me when I came home from work today, actually they greet me everyday. No matter what kind of day I've had, I always feel a little happier and a little more loved after I get home. This big brown lug is Duke, also known as Dubers, also known as "the biggest dufus I know". But I can't help but love him, I mean, just look at that tongue. Duke enjoys chasing frisbees at the park, chewing on tennis balls, the fresh wind in his face as he sticks his head out of a moving car, getting out of the yard, and sleeping for about 16 hours a day.

This adorable little canine is Jada. She is the smartest dog I've ever met. As you can see, one of her most defining features is her ice blue eye. We call her our little snow queen. She likes to spend her days frolicking in the yard with Duke, basking in some warm sun, chewing on her favorite little squeaker toys and, of course, sleeping. She also enjoys camping, hiking, and swimming to fetch sticks. She takes care of Duke, making sure his ears are always squeaky clean and his eye goobers are kept at bay. Oh, and canoodling with him at night to keep him warm.

And last, but certainly not least is my little Maggie. Curt gave her to me on our one year anniversary and we've been best friends since. Maggie, as you can see, is absolutely adorable and all too easy to love. Her favorite past times include curling up on laps, begging for food, sticking her head out of moving car windows, chasing the big dogs at the park, chewing on bones, and snuggling with me under the covers.

I think the world would be better place if everyone in it was a dog person. They are a great example of total unconditional love and if only we could all be the person our dog thinks we are.


Unknown said...

I definitely agree that the world would be a better place if everyone loved each other like our dogs love us.

Brian said...

in my best Chilean voice, "aaoowwwah"

Staci said...

this makes me miss zoey so much. i'm crying a little inside right now. and maybe outside too.